# In lectures, we collected a list of commands and concepts people have seen. # This is the aggregate list across all three lectures. It includes things # we've explicitly covered in class (git, sed, echo, wc, ...) and things # people have encountered (whoami, fortune, cowsay, ...). In a few weeks, # we'll use this as the basis for a project, but I wanted to share the list in # case it's useful for anyone now. # Commands apt-get aspell bg brew bzip cat cd chmod chown cowsay cp curl diff echo ed emacs export fg file find fortune fsck gedit git grep gzip history jobs less ls make man mkdir mv nano ps pwd rm rmdir rsync say scp sed sudo tar top touch tr vi w wc wget whereis which who whoami yes # Shell Things $_ $? $variable $(command) | < > >> !! & Ctrl-R